Zabuza Momochi
Demon Weapon
PWRSpecial Attack: Ninja Art Hidden Mist Jutsu
chakra X 7
Deals massive DMG to the enemy AE.Skill 1: Team: Zabuza and Haku
At the start of Round 3, if "Haku" is an ally, increases your ATK by 1500 until the end of the round.
Skill 2: Demon of the Hidden Mist
At the start of Round 2, grants 1 chakra and increases your ATK by 1000 until the end of the round.
Ice Style Mask
SPDSpecial Attack: Secret Jutsu Crystal Ice Mirrors
chakra X 6
Deals heavy DMG to the enemy AE.Skill 1: Team: Zabuza and Haku
At the start of Round 3, permanently increases all "Zabuza" allies' ATK by 1000.
Skill 2: Ephemeral White Demon's Blade
When deployed as the AE, if the enemy AE is "TECH," increases your ATK by 1500 until the end of the round.