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NARUTO Emblem Battle is now playable at Round1 in the West Coast area! Heading to Round1 for some fun? Look out for NARUTO Emblem Battle the next time you’re there.

NARUTO Emblem Battle Specialty Store opens at Little Akihabara in Little Tokyo, starting from July 3rd!There will be 8 game machines in the store!Play to your heart’s content! Check out

NARUTO Emblem Battle will be playable at Marvelous USA/XSEED Games booth at Anime Expo 2024! There will be 8 playable game machines and we’ll also giveaway special Emblems that you

The skill name of Emblem U1-50 Granny Chiyo has the following errata. Old Text: Human Puppet New Text: Puppet Performance The above change will be reflected from the next production

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